My thing is, I can't be the antidote to your outward, overt, nauseating, head-cracking neediness cause I'm mentally, internally, possibly foolishly -but in my mind the best idea- trying to deal with mine. My emotional cup runneth over and although I can woo-woo-woo two people at the same time (quite well, actually but usually to my own detriment), I can't woo-woo-woo myself and another emotionally needy individual at the same time. It just turns out bad. Like, real bad. Like, silent revolution that just pissed everybody off bad. It'll be alright in the morning. Or later. I suppose.
Now I'm home ALONE and it ROCKS! That's a new one for me (appreciating time alone). I gotta do this more.
I really hate hurting feelings. I also really hate outside pressure on top of my inside pressure. How'd I get to be me?