Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Booty Paradox

It's been a slow journey back (and I probably wont clearly state where/what I'm coming back to).  The set-up: just prior to my 30th birthday, I made a declaration of sorts.  I am of the thinking that when you resolve to do something and are firm in your stance that you will, in fact, achieve it.  It's just that there are times when I dont fully tap into this innate goddess power of mine/ours.  So, I decided that since I couldn't (can't) seem to get said individual (dark brown and tempting) out of my mind, maybe he remains for a reason.  AND I decided that the reason was that he was the perfect one for me.  My hope was to (1)initiate contact, (2)arrange a reacquaintance meet 'n greet (3)thoroughly impress him with my femininity and upgraded sense of moi, and (4)get this long-awaited, clearly destined wedding in the bag.  I put it out into the universe and was mentally "working it".  And if all else fails, I thought, at least I will have stated my feelings and be that much closer to moving on.

It started out some what nicely.  The initial conversation was your typical "catching up" kind of conversation.  So good to hear from you...I've been thinking about you...How's the fam...We HAVE to get together...blah blah blah.  Yea, but that was it.  Pretty much after that I was just hanging on like a lunatic.  So, eventually he had to just shut my ars down.  He did it so good that all I could do was gather my bottom lip back up to its proper place and push out a breathy, "ohhh-kay!"  I have since called him a few choice  names; partly for leaving me dumb-founded; partly for not "luvvving" me back; and partly for shutting me down before I got my big chance to confess my love and at least have it off my chest!

Thirty years old, single and no prospects in sight.  My personal version of therapy was, in addition to the name calling, to try to get my self together.  Physically.  If I work these glutes and a few extra milkshakes per week just right I can be "ice cold".  I committed myself to thorough butt work and implemented the plan for one-maybe two days.  Then...I fell down the @#$%^%^$ stairs.  My butt aint been right since. 

In summary: Is the universe trying to tell me that it aint'cha booty, it's your inner beauty?  And further, that boy dont like you so get over it!  Point taken.  Onward.

New Post September 2011

Here I am again, apologizing to the blogosphere for my lack of contributary mush.  Not that I have a readership . . . yet.  But, IF YOU BUILD IT THEY WILL COME.

Besides, I can ALWAYS use the benefit of catharsis.
